About Us

Combining start-up disruptive agility with proven excellence of the European Space sector.

MaiaSpace adventure started in 2022 leveraging the heritage of ArianeWorks, a tactical development team assigned by CNES and ArianeGroup to reinvent and transform the way that the legacy European-based space industry was innovating.

During years of incubation work, teams have developed tailormade methods and processes for accelerated agile improvement, testing new technologies, launching new partnerships, and supporting smallsatand space mobility providers.



The result is a strongly held common belief: by using the best of both worlds, combining start-up disruptive agility with proven excellence of the European Space sector, we ensure space becomes a major enabler for a better and more sustainable life on Earth. Today, MaiaSpace leverages European technical know-how through a unique combination of expertise, experience and talent from a diverse industrial, professional and cultural background with the single aim of providing affordable, innovative and more sustainable space mobility solutions.







125 M€

Funding secured