Enabling a better and more sustainable life on Earth

We have a pragmatic and accountable vision of space . By designing , testing and commercializing a cost effective and reusable mini launch vehicle by 2026, we aim at contributing to future challenges mankind is facing: digital divide & ubiquitous communication, data collection, climate change, resources run out, security and scientific development.

Developing competitive solutions

In order to lower costs, we took the challenge of doing things differently. Designing and operating a flexible and configurable mini-launcher, benefiting from economies of scale, we offer competitive and tailored space services addressing current and future market needs, for satellites up to 3 tons in Low Earth Orbits.



Accelerating space innovation in Europe

Driven by a “test & learn” approach, we accelerate development using Agile work process and disruptive technologies. Doing so, we are on track to provide Europe with the first reusable mini-launcher including the vertical landing of the Main Stage on a barge at sea.

Having a global sustainable approach, on Earth and in space environment

Systematic lifecycle analysis with an integrated eco-design are fundamental to our approach to developing a reusable launch capability, able not only to deploy but also to provide in-orbit servicing.



Enabling European sovereignty

From the diversity of its team and its industrial footprint to leveraging scalable and future-proof technologies, MaiaSpace will contribute to European long-term access and sovereignty in Space.